Saturday, June 20, 2009

Answered Prayers and the consequences

I have wanted a child for several years now. Even before my husband and I were married, I think I have wanted to be a mother since I was twelve years old. I finally found the man of my dreams and married him had a great career that was on the rise, then all that was left to complete my life goals was to have a baby. Finally we were on our way to finding a home and it fell through. I went for my normal obgyn appointment and told the doctor that I was having unusual menstral cycles. My doctor told me I was infertile and referred me to an infertility specialist that then told me that I had pcos-polycystic ovarian syndrome. In a nutshell I was not ovulating and would need to start a regimen of medications including chlomid to help the process. I was on 5 cycles of the medication when I was about to give up hope and finally the pregnancy test read positive it was the happiest day of my life. This of course is the short version of the agonizing hell I went through. My husband and I had just restarted our search for the perfect house and was about to make an offer on it right before we found out. This was a sign to me that everything was about to fall into place. We did it!...Right!? Well where my prayers were answered in one aspect of my life other aspects started to collapse. Not the worst of which I might add was my career. During the 36 weeks I was pregnant, my feelings about my great career became a back burner to my health. I was always sick-from the pregnancy and from the stress. I had gone into pre term labor at 33 weeks and the doctor put me out of work and on bed rest. Which didn't prevent the toxemia from occuring and forcing the doctors to induce labor at 36 weeks. Luckily my baby girl was beautiful and for the most part healthy only spending a week in the hospital to get her bilirubin levels to normal. All this while the whole thing is wreaking havoc on our finances-nothing really prepares you financially for being a parent and then when it was time to go back to work my husband and I were not prepared to deal with these circumstances. We thought we had it figured out because we didn't have the money to send her to daycare and no support from family or friends(which you know it's not their responsibility anyway) we decided to work opposite shifts. I have sleep apnea and I worked overnight and had to care for the baby during the day so I wasn't getting any sleep and falling asleep behind the wheel. My husband and I decided it was for the best if I quit my job. I miss working and the people I worked with but my family had to come first and I didn't want my daughter to grow up with out a mother.
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