Saturday, July 4, 2009

fourth of july

This is my baby girls 1st fourth of july celebration. We are going to take her to see the fireworks on base and we are going to a family cook out! It's going to be great!!! We were up at 4:30 this morning and out by 5:30 thinking we'd be able to go to the grocery store but nothing opened until 7a so we went to two grocery stores before realizing it and everything was closed. Didn't realize it might be because of the holiday though.. So then we ate breakfast did our grocery shopping put the food away at home then went to walk down at the river. It was a good morning. Our Daughter is really getting to be quite the stander, mover and shaker. She will be walking soon I just know it. I honestly can't wait. I may have an easier time losing weight when she can move more independantly.. Trying to keep up with her.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Knock Knock...Avon Calling

Another venture to try and bring in some income so I don't feel like a complete slouch!!! I have started selling Avon for extra income. The website is:
I chose to sell avon because they make and have high quality products that match up to name brand products we use every day but for recession friendly reasonable prices!

So next time you want to buy any every day product like make up, skin care, etc... Think of me your avon lady.

Serving all areas through my e-rep site and browns mills in person

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Trying my hand at something else

So working from home takes a while apparently. After getting through all these work from home schemes to find something that actually works then it not working nearly fast enough. I knew I wouldn't be rich over night but at this rate I won't even get a paycheck for 4 months or more. Anyway I am going to stick to it and see what happens. However in the mean time I am going to try and do something else, that apparently I will have to actually speak to people about. That part isn't a bad thing it's just I'm not that great at it. I am better at writing. If I could find away to market that I totally would. However I don't have the know how. Not yet anyway!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

losing the baby weight

I am a big woman to begin with but when I got pregnant I gained 50lbs. I lost 30 of them right off the bat but losing the other 20 is a different story. Then I go to my sisters house today to do the wii active which I am so proud to say I was able to do on medium and burned about 315 calories... Now to stay motivated. When I was there I noticed my sister had a picture of me when I was about 22. Man I don't even remember those days but I looked great!! I would love to look like that again and I am determined to do it. I just have to get my eating under control. I started off good this morning by having half a banana and a kiwi. But then I go home where there is no one around except my little girl and I had popcorn-ok not sooo bad-especially because it is light. I also had this snack mix and two slices of pizza. There goes the exercising... Maybe I can do my wii fit tonight to make up the difference??? Anyway back on tomorrow.

Monday, June 29, 2009

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Kaboose Family Recipe of the Day Widget -

Don't know what you're cooking for dinner tonight? We've got recipes! Check out the Kaboose Family Recipe of the Day widget for FREE daily recipes for mains, sides, snacks, and more. Put this widget on your desktop, favorite Web page, or bl

Feeding herself

It's the little things you take for granted right?! They always tell you that well-maybe I listened because let me tell you, not having to put little pieces of food in her mouth anymore is fantastic!!! I can't wait until she learns how to properly use a spoon... This being said maybe she has grown a little too independent! Now when I try to help her with the food-if it looks like she is having difficulty she throws a fit and pushes all her food away from her along with your hands. It cracks me up though because I know I am getting a taste of what I gave my mother. I was always very independent and wanted to do everything myself. Even today-I think that is why not having a job is driving me crazy-that and money, well for the most part. I know I shouldn't wish the time away because soon enough the teen years will be here and she won't want anything at all to do with me :)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sunday morning

Is there anything better then spending Saturday night with friends until about 10:30p, cuddling with your husband in your nice warm bed after putting the baby to sleep until 11:30p and then Sunday morning after sleeping a full 6 and 1/2 hours sleeping, spent with the ones you love most. Eating pancakes, kiwi, and mangoes for breakfast playing with Amanda and watching some tv. This is bliss!!! Everyone is in a good mood and up at 7! Getting it started early and planning a day full of fun with friends and family. It couldn't get better then this! Yes I am in the best mood that I have been in for a long time! I can't wait to get this day started.
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