Wednesday, June 24, 2009

clapping hands

You lose the meaning of happiness I think as an adult. You forget something as simple as clapping hands as a show of happiness. My daughter today clapped her hands for the first time and it reminded me of when I was a kid and how everything made me happy. Now a days it really takes a special even, like my daughter crawling to make me clap in joy. Where have those days gone? Down the drain with the money that we send towards bills and stuff. It's crazy how much money problems can bring down your sense of everything really. I think that it is time to bring back the happiness. Every day I am going to try to do one thing (at least) to make myself happy and screw every thing else.


  1. wow, screw everything else?

  2. Easier said then done of course!!! In reality we'll see how that works out for me. Thanks for the comment!


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